Nanhu is a Chinese town not too far from Shanghai which, in the last few years, has twinned with my home town. One of the official twinning ceremonies is captured in the picture. As the main promoter I got nominated

Nanhu is a Chinese town not too far from Shanghai which, in the last few years, has twinned with my home town. One of the official twinning ceremonies is captured in the picture. As the main promoter I got nominated
Shanghai has got its own Roma Club too. Thanks to my personal involvement, and support from the very same “Yellow and Red” club, the Italian Association Roma Club (A.I.R.C), and with the blessing of the Sensi family, we have launched
I’ve been one of the three Italian restaurants to set up a stand at the Shanghai Expo 2010. In that occasion, the Zagara experience came about, a restaurant over 8,500 sq ft. For more information click here.
A short list of restaurants and pizza places in China where I’ve run training courses. GALLERIA ITALIANA (Pechino) SOPRANO (Shanghai) PIZZA ROSSA (Shanghai) SEMPLICEMENTE PIZZA (Shanghai) D.O.C. (Shanghai) YOGO (Guang Zhou) KTV HAOLEDI (Shanghai)